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用 aws-nuke 清理 AWS 服務

最近收到單位來的需求是 AWS 帳號不使用了要回收,可是要移除帳號其實還是蠻麻煩的,不如把裡面的資源砍一砍還可以給下一個單位進駐使用,要移除資源通常直接看 Billing 出帳的資訊最準,可是這代表又要被 AWS 賺一個月,但是又不想手動進去一個一個看 …


身為工程師常常遇到一些難題,為了不要做蠢事就只好花一些時間去找辦法 …


把關鍵字餵狗 (Google) 之後發現 nuke 可以找到許多關於 AWS cleaning up 的工具,而當中 aws-nuke 算是比較堪用的工具,所以就拿他來紀錄使用方式。



可以到 aws-nuke 的 release 去載最新版本,這篇文章是用 v2.6.0

$ wget
$ sudo tar zxvf aws-nuke-v2.6.0-darwin-amd64.tar.gz
$ sudo mv aws-nuke-v2.6.0-darwin-amd64 /usr/local/bin/aws-nuke

順便把 command 的名稱改為 aws-nuke。



awk-nuke 設定檔是 yaml 格式,參考範例:

- "global"
- "us-west-1"
- "us-west-2"
- "us-east-1"
- "us-east-2"
- "ap-south-1"
- "ap-northeast-1"
- "ap-northeast-2"
- "ap-northeast-3"
- "ap-southeast-1"
- "ap-southeast-2"
- "ca-central-1"
- "eu-central-1"
- "eu-west-1"
- "eu-west-2"
- "eu-west-3"
- "sa-east-1"

- "000000000000" # default blacklist account

  651686553977: # filter account id
      - property: IsDefault
        value: "true"
      - "Role-Administrator"
      - "Role-Administrator -> AdministratorAccess"

The config file contains a blacklist field. If the Account ID of the account you want to nuke is part of this blacklist, aws-nuke will abort. It is recommended, that you add every production account to this blacklist.

To ensure you don’t just ignore the blacklisting feature, the blacklist must contain at least one Account ID.


aws-nuke 支援 –access-key-id 的方式塞 credentials,或者 session token / profile 方式,這邊示範用 profile 的方式。

$ aws-nuke -c config.yaml --profile demo-account
aws-nuke version v2.6.0 - Fri Oct 26 11:03:58 UTC 2018 - f7c3d82bf8b2ac4d41ed5e8e96a9d6b9a247796e

Do you really want to nuke the account with the ID 651686553977 and the alias 'demo-account'?
Do you want to continue? Enter account alias to continue.
> demo-account

global - IAMRole - AWSServiceRoleForApplicationAutoScaling_DynamoDBTable - cannot delete service roles
global - IAMRole - AWSServiceRoleForElastiCache - cannot delete service roles
global - IAMRole - AWSServiceRoleForElasticBeanstalk - cannot delete service roles
global - IAMRole - AWSServiceRoleForElasticLoadBalancing - cannot delete service roles
global - IAMRole - AWSServiceRoleForOrganizations - cannot delete service roles
global - IAMRole - AWSServiceRoleForRDS - cannot delete service roles
global - IAMRole - AWSServiceRoleForSupport - cannot delete service roles
global - IAMRole - Role-Administrator - filtered by config


確認要刪除的資源沒問題就加上 --no-dry-run  再執行一次真的進行移除資源

$ aws-nuke -c config.yaml --profile demo-account --no-dry-run





aws-nuke 其實還是存在許多 bug,但相較起來算是比較堪用的工具,不用手動就是爽 …



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