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AWS 管理的那些小事 – 持續新增中 20180806

管理 AWS 除了玩服務以外,還有一些例行工作都需要有人處理,但是這些事情不記又容易忘記,所以把可能要記下又不太重要的一些小事更新在這篇,這篇應該算是在這個部落格內唯一會持續更新的文章。



公司內每當上線服務前都需要進行 PT (penetration test) 確認服務沒有明顯的漏洞風險,但是在 AWS 上要進行 PT 是需要經過申請的,否則會被判別為惡意行為而擋下來。

  1. 需要由 Root Account 登入 滲透測試 頁面申請。
  2. 再來就是要填一堆 PT 的申請資料,重點就是一些聯絡資訊,和你的測試來源(IP 或 DNS 位置)、目的 (EC2、ELB、CloudFront … etc)
  3. 申請送出後,大約要等待 2 ~ 3 個工作天可以收到 AWS Security 團隊的回覆郵件,收件者會是你在申請時寫的聯絡資訊。



Thank you for your e-mail. Your security testing authorization request as detailed below has been approved.
Your authorization number is: E0390xxxxx.
As a reminder,
– you have agreed to abide by the Terms and Conditions and AWS Procedures Regarding the Use of Security Assessment Tools and Services. You can review what you have agreed to at
– you have agreed to abide by Amazon Web Services Customer Agreement available at
– if you discover any vulnerabilities or other issues that are the direct result of AWS, you have agreed to contact within 24 hours of completion of your testing.
If you need to make any changes to your testing configuration, please email us at Please ensure that you include your authorization number in your email.
Juneid A
Amazon Web Services

然後底下會有 Original message 是你當時申請的資料,確認無誤後就可以開始進行 PT。






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