AWS ALB 支援 IP-based 的 Target groups,可以支援 on-premises

2017-09-03 AWS

AWS Blog 發表一篇「New – Application Load Balancing via IP Address to AWS & On-Premises Resources」這篇對於 “混合雲” 架構的企業會很有幫助,過去要做到 CBR (Content Based Routing) 只能從 CloudFront 或從 Route53 來達到不同 Hybrid cloud 的 end point。


現在 ALB 就直接支援 IP-based 的 target:


文中特別提到,能夠指定 VPC、Peered VPC 或經過 Driect Connect / VPN 可到達的 On-Premises,但是限制可註冊的 IP 必須遵照 RFC 1918 (,, and 和 RFC 6598 ( 的網段位置,要特別注意 …

ip – Targets are registered as IP addresses. You can use any IPv4 address from the load balancer’s VPC CIDR for targets within load balancer’s VPC and any IPv4 address from the RFC 1918 ranges (,, and or the RFC 6598 range ( for targets located outside the load balancer’s VPC (this includes Peered VPC, EC2-Classic, and on-premises targets reachable over Direct Connect or VPN).


Target group 還可以交叉 Instance / On-Premises 使用。


AWS 最近開始在搶還未上雲的地端客戶 ..


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