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AWS S3 掛了 (2017/3/1)

剛剛在 build Travis CI 的時候,遲遲無法 deploy 到 AWS S3,然後 Travis CI 就出現了一則訊息

Identified – AWS has confirmed that S3 is experiencing issues. We’ve taken some actions to maintain current container-based capacity and are monitoring the S3 status and overall healthy of our infrastructure closely.
Feb 28, 18:10 UTC
Investigating – We are investigating issues related to the S3 outage in AWS. Currently build logs older than a few hours will fail to load. Build caches for container-based builds are unavailable. Builds that depend on resources like Docker Hub,, or other S3 dependent third party services will fail with errors related to being unable to access the resources.

Travis CI 出現的訊息:

然後到 AWS 去看,果然所有 bucket 都消失了 ……..


官方聲明有問題的是 US-RAST-1

Update at 10:33 AM PST: We’re continuing to work to remediate the availability issues for Amazon S3 in US-EAST-1. AWS services and customer applications depending on S3 will continue to experience high error rates as we are actively working to remediate the errors in Amazon S3.


所有 S3 都無法訪問 .. orz


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