Nginx Unit 基於 Microservice 而生的 Web Server

2017-09-09 Nginx

Nginx 在 Blog「Introducing the NGINX Application Platform」推出了新的 Open Source 專案「Nginx Unit」,目前還在 Beta 階段,和 Nginx 一樣都是輕量的 Web Server 並且內建支援 REST API 。



從 Feature 可以看得出來是衝著 Microservice 架構而生的 Application Server,可以同時運行多個語言程式。

Multi-language support

Run all of your applications under a common binary:

  • Full support for Go, PHP, and Python; Java and Node.JS support coming soon
  • Run multiple applications written in different languages on the same server
  • Use multiple versions of a language simultaneously on the same server (PHP 5 and PHP 7, Python 2.7 and Python 3)

另外有提到 Nginx Unit 是一個全動態的 Web Server,可以做到 零停機佈署修改 對於大量管理 CM (Configure Manage) 也很有效,目前多數的 Application 修改 config 後都要 restart or reload,可能會造成線上使用者的連線中斷。

You can switch to a new application version seamlessly, without restarting any processes

  • Graceful application and configuration updates reduce service disruptions
  • Seamless zero‑downtime deployment changes




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